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ブラック・ジャック ヒストリカル・カラー・ピーシズ (立東舎) - black jack historical color pieces

ブラック・ジャック ヒストリカル・カラー・ピーシズ (立東舎) - Black Jack Historical Color Pieces

衝撃の『ブラック・ジャック ミッシング・ピーシズ』から1年、初出時に4色や2色の鮮やかなカラーページで発表されたエピソードを中心に17編で編んだ本書は『ミッシング・ピーシズ』の姉妹版とも呼べる作品集。現存する原稿を使用した復刻で、雑誌初出版での収録が叶ったファン待望の企画といえる。B・Jの出自にまつわるエピソードを余すことなく選出したことから、本書単独でも楽しめ、なかでも名作の誉れ高いエピソード「友よいずこ」は、無修正の生原稿状態で掲載することで、手塚治虫の熱量が感じられる趣向だ。


終末のワルキューレ禁伝 神々の黙示録 - shuumatsu no valkyle kinden: kamigami no apocalypse 1

終末のワルキューレ禁伝 神々の黙示録 - Shuumatsu No Valkyle Kinden: Kamigami No Apocalypse 1


終末のワルキューレ 23 - shuumatsu no valkyrie - record of ragnarok

終末のワルキューレ 23 - Shuumatsu no Valkyrie - Record Of Ragnarok

始まりの剣神・スサノヲノミコトが放った奥義「天魔反」を目の当たりにし、さらなる覚醒を遂げた新撰組一番隊組長・沖田総司! 剣神VS剣鬼の闘いは新たなステージへ!!

闘いの中、進化を続ける両者の剣は、ついに「頂き」へと至る───!? 両者「刀」志全開の神VS人類最終闘争第10回戦、最高潮!!!

終末のワルキューレ奇譚 ジャック・ザ・リッパーの事件簿 - shuumatsu no valkyle the jack the ripper case file 6

終末のワルキューレ奇譚 ジャック・ザ・リッパーの事件簿 - Shuumatsu No Valkyle The Jack The Ripper Case File 6


闇社会の王・夜霧との死闘、そして…聖杯争奪戦は、遂に決着へ!! さらに、聖杯を巡ったを争いに新たな勢力が参戦!! その正体は大英帝国史上最強の兵士──!?

海がきこえる the visual collection - umi ga kikoeru the visual collection

海がきこえる THE VISUAL COLLECTION - Umi Ga Kikoeru The Visual Collection




1993年5月5日・日本テレビ系での初放映以来、伝説的に語り継がれてきた同作品を、近年、若い観客層が“新発見”。2024年3月の東京・渋谷(Bunkamuraル・シネマ 渋谷宮下)での劇場再公開が連日満員のロングランヒットを記録し、令和“リバイバル”現象の象徴となりました。





(なお、本書の刊行を記念して、今秋、Bunkamuraル・シネマ 渋谷宮下での特別上映も予定)

もじグラフィックス - uchi no neko ga mata hen na koto shiteru. 5

もじグラフィックス - Uchi no Neko ga Mata Hen na Koto Shiteru. 5





また、独自の作家性を発揮する5 名のインタビューとメイキングも掲載。彼らが何に魅了され、なぜ作字を行うのか、そしてどのようなプロセスで作品ができあがっていくのか、その一端に触れていきます。


ネオ万葉 - neo man yo

ネオ万葉 - Neo Man Yo







文豪ストレイドッグス beast - bungou stray dogs beast (light novel)

文豪ストレイドッグス BEAST - Bungou Stray Dogs Beast (Light Novel)

芥川が武装探偵社、敦がポートマフィアに!? パラレル版“文豪”が登場!




ふたりの出会いが導く運命とは……!? それは“白”と“黒”が辿ったもうひとつの物語。


いのちの食べ方 - inochi no tabe kata 1 (light novel)

いのちの食べ方 - Inochi No Tabe Kata 1 (Light Novel)





文豪ストレイドッグス 太宰を拾った日- bungou stray dogs dazai o hirotta hi (light novel)

文豪ストレイドッグス 太宰を拾った日- Bungou Stray Dogs Dazai O Hirotta Hi (Light Novel)








いのちの食べ方 - inochi no tabe kata 3 (light novel)

いのちの食べ方 - Inochi No Tabe Kata 3 (Light Novel)





アニメ 五等分の花嫁 ノベライズ - anime go toubun no hanayome noberaizu - anime the quintessential quintuplets novelize 3

アニメ 五等分の花嫁 ノベライズ - Anime Go Toubun No Hanayome Noberaizu - Anime The Quintessential Quintuplets Novelize 3












大分県生まれ。成蹊大学文学部卒業。オリジナル小説『病名のない診察室』『台南の空ゆかば~ボクとうさぎのマンゴーデイズ』のほか、ノベライズ作品に『燈火 風の盆』『見えない目撃者』『最高の人生の見つけ方』など多数。

ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 9 - jojo's bizarre adventure - jojo no kimyouna bouken

ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 9 - Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - Jojo No Kimyouna Bouken


ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 7 - jojo's bizarre adventure - jojo no kimyouna bouken

ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 7 - Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - Jojo No Kimyouna Bouken


ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 24 - jojo's bizarre adventure - jojo no kimyouna bouken

ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 24 - Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - Jojo No Kimyouna Bouken


合コンに行ったら女がいなかった話 - goukon ni ittara onna ga inakatta 8

合コンに行ったら女がいなかった話 - Goukon Ni Ittara Onna Ga Inakatta 8



東京店構え - toukyou misegamae postcard book

東京店構え - Toukyou Misegamae Postcard Book


ポーランド出身のイラストレーター、マテウシュ・ウルバノヴィチが、東京にある古き良き建物を描いた『東京店構え マテウシュ・ウルバノヴィチ作品集』より厳選したイラストがポストカードになりました。



"Tokyo Storefronts - The Artworks of Mateusz Urbanowicz" is now available as a postcard!

It includes 24 postcards selected from the book "Tokyo Storefronts - The Artworks of Mateusz Urbanowicz" published in 2018, which depicts retro buildings in Tokyo.

Perfect for collecting or as a gift for a loved one.


+ 水彩画が好きな方

+ 古き良き日本の風景を楽しみたい方


+ ポストカードは一枚一枚、本から切り離すことができます

+ ポストカードとしてはもちろん、メッセージカードやインテリアにもおすすめです

ヒーローズ・フィースト 美食の多元宇宙 d&d 公式レシピガイド - heroes fu isuto bishoku no tagen uchu d&d official recipe guide dungeons & dragons

ヒーローズ・フィースト 美食の多元宇宙 D&D 公式レシピガイド - Heroes Fu Isuto Bishoku No Tagen Uchu D&D Official Recipe Guide DUNGEONS & DRAGONS



『ヒーローズ・フィースト』のD&Dエキスパートが贈る『Heroes' Feast Flavors of the Multiverse』は、ソロの冒険者にもパーティのクエストにも使える、多彩な料理が満載の食欲をそそる料理本だ。この料理ツアーでは、フォーゴトン・レルムやそれ以外の地域や設定にインスパイアされたオリジナル・レシピを紹介する。国内トップクラスのテストキッチンでプロのシェフが開発した料理はどれも美味しく、調理も簡単で、この世界で手に入る食材で構成されている。


illustration making & visual book en morikura



人気イラストレーター森倉 円、待望の初画集


手がけたことでも知られるイラストレーター森倉 円、待望の初画集です。










pizza and taco - best christmas ever!

Pizza And Taco - Best Christmas Ever!

Have Pizza and Taco been naughty or nice? These foodie besties are getting ready for the BEST CHRISTMAS EVER in this hilarious graphic novel chapter book!

IT'S CHRISTMAS TIME....in a few months!!! But Pizza and Taco have decided it's never too early to make their Christmas wish lists and check them twice. Now all they need to do is make sure they’re super nice and well-behaved because Santa Slaw is always watching! Taco has no problem helping neighbors and doing his chores...but Pizza, on the other hand...! Will Pizza and Taco get all the presents they ask for?

This hilarious young graphic novel—with chapters—will tickle the funny bones of kids ages 5-8 and bolster their reading confidence. It's the perfect stepping stone for readers who are transitioning to longer chapter books and graphic novels.

怪獣8号 relax 1 - kaijuu 8 gou relax 1

怪獣8号 RELAX 1 - Kaijuu 8 Gou Relax 1

『怪獣8号』のスピンオフギャグ漫画! 迫りくる怪獣から命がけで人々を守る防衛隊員。そんな彼らの非番の姿を描いた物語! 日比野カフカは同期のレノとキコルと共に登山へ行くことになり…?

アクションポーズ大全 - akushon pouzu taizen akushon mangaka ga

アクションポーズ大全 - Akushon Pouzu Taizen Akushon Mangaka Ga

即使用可! 6000種類のアクションポーズ写真素材集


アクション漫画を描きたい人、必見! いままでとは違う、イラスト映えにこだわった「本物の」アクションポーズ写真素材集。





人気スマホゲーム「Fate/Grand Order」のコミカライズ作画担当の霧月×モデルは有名特撮番組にも参加をしている「モーションアクター」。それぞれの分野に精通する両氏のコラボで制作された「本物」のアクションポ―ズ写真集だからです。

something lost, something gained - reflections on life, love, and liberty

Something Lost, Something Gained - Reflections On Life, Love, And Liberty

What would it be like to sit down for an impassioned, entertaining conversation with Hillary Clinton? In Something Lost, Something Gained, Hillary offers her candid views on life and love, politics, liberty, democracy, the threats we face, and the future within our reach.

She describes the strength she draws from her deepest friendships, her Methodist faith, and the nearly fifty years she’s been married to President Bill Clinton—all with the wisdom that comes from looking back on a full life with fresh eyes. She takes us along as she returns to the classroom as a college professor, enjoys the bonds inside the exclusive club of former First Ladies, moves past her dream of being president, and dives into new activism for women and democracy.

From canoeing with an ex-Nazi trying to deprogram white supremacists to sweltering with salt farmers in the desert trying to adapt to the climate crisis in India, Hillary brings us to the front lines of our biggest challenges. For the first time, Hillary shares the story of her operation to evacuate Afghan women to safety in the harrowing final days of America’s longest war. But we also meet the brave women dissidents defying dictators around the world, gain new personal insights about her old adversary Vladimir Putin, and learn the best ways that worried parents can protect kids from toxic technology. We also hear her fervent and persuasive warning to all American voters. In the end, Something Lost, Something Gained is a testament to the idea that the personal is political, and the political is personal, providing a blueprint for what each of us can do to make our lives better.

Hillary has “looked at life from both sides now.” In these pages, she shares the latest chapter of her inspiring life and shows us how to age with grace and keep moving forward, with grit, joy, purpose, and a sense of humor.

swift river - a read with jenna pick

Swift River - A Read With Jenna Pick

2024 Barnes & Noble Discover Prize Winner

Longlisted for the Andrew Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Fiction

Longlisted for The Center for Fiction 2024 First Novel Prize

A READ WITH JENNA TODAY SHOW BOOK CLUB PICK | A National Bestseller | One of The Washington Post's Best Books of 2024 | An NPR Best Book of 2024 | An Elle Best Book of 2024 | A Boston Globe Best Book of 2024

“The book we all need to revive our souls” (Nicole Dennis-Benn): A sweeping family saga about the complicated bond between mothers and daughters, the disappearance of a father, and the long-hidden history of a declining New England mill town.

“A powerful novel about how our family history shapes us. Swift River broke my heart, and then offered me hope.” —Ann Napolitano, New York Times bestselling author of Hello Beautiful

It’s the summer of 1987 in Swift River, and Diamond Newberry is learning how to drive. Ever since her Pop disappeared seven years ago, she and her mother hitchhike everywhere they go. But that’s not the only reason Diamond stands out: she’s teased relentlessly about her weight, and since Pop’s been gone, she is the only Black person in all of Swift River. This summer, Ma is determined to declare Pop legally dead so that they can collect his life insurance money, get their house back from the bank, and finally move on.

But when Diamond receives a letter from a relative she’s never met, key elements of Pop’s life are uncovered, and she is introduced to two generations of African American Newberry women, whose lives span the 20th century and reveal a much larger picture of prejudice and abandonment, of love and devotion. As pieces of their shared past become clearer, Diamond gains a sense of her place in the world and in her family. But how will what she’s learned of the past change her future?

A story of first friendships, family secrets, and finding the courage to let go, Swift River is a sensational debut about how history shapes us and heralds the arrival of a major new literary talent.

storm we made

Storm We Made

Malaya, 1945. Cecily Alcantara’s family is in terrible danger: her fifteen-year-old son, Abel, has disappeared, and her youngest daughter, Jasmin, is confined in a basement to prevent being pressed into service at the comfort stations. Her eldest daughter Jujube, who works at a tea house frequented by drunk Japanese soldiers, becomes angrier by the day.

Cecily knows two things: that this is all her fault; and that her family must never learn the truth.

A decade prior, Cecily had been desperate to be more than a housewife to a low-level bureaucrat in British-colonized Malaya. A chance meeting with the charismatic General Fuijwara lured her into a life of espionage, pursuing dreams of an “Asia for Asians.” Instead, Cecily helped usher in an even more brutal occupation by the Japanese. Ten years later as the war reaches its apex, her actions have caught up with her. Now her family is on the brink of destruction—and she will do anything to save them.

Spanning years of pain and triumph, told from the perspectives of four unforgettable characters, The Storm We Made is a dazzling saga about the horrors of war; the fraught relationships between the colonized and their oppressors, and the ambiguity of right and wrong when survival is at stake.

the fiancé dilemma

The Fiancé Dilemma

A fake engagement, second chances, and newfound family members come together in this new romance from the New York Times bestselling author of the “swoon-worthy” (Business Insider) The Spanish Love Deception.

Josie Moore has given the opposite sex—and love—plenty of chances. Four exactly, if you count all her failed engagements, and five if you include her no-longer-absentee father. Nonetheless, when the influential man decides to announce his retirement with a splashy magazine piece and Josie learns that her romantic history isn’t great PR for the family, she jumps at the chance to offer a solution.

Matthew Flanagan is in the mud. Literally. Not only has he been fired from his job, but after taking a wrong turn on his way to Green Oak, North Carolina, his car is stuck. So, he grabs a duffel bag with his essentials and goes in search of a place to crash until he gets his life (and vehicle) back on track. But instead, he stumbles upon his best friend’s sister, Josie, greeting him as her fiancé.

What starts as a big misunderstanding quickly turns into a fake engagement, with Matthew playing the role of the doting fiancé as he and Josie are swept into a PR whirlwind. The ring on Josie’s finger makes her stomach turn, but she knows this is only temporary. They have rules in place, and one of them is that no matter what, there will be no exchange of “I dos.” But that’s easier said than done, as lines soon start to blur, and the rest of the small town comes to believe the fifth fiancé is truly The One.

the same bright stars

The Same Bright Stars

From the author of the Read with Jenna Bonus Pick A Little Hope, an uplifting and emotionally resonant novel set in a Delaware beach town about a local restaurant owner at a turning point.

Three generations of Schmidts have run their family’s beachfront restaurant and Jack has been at the helm since the death of his father. Jack puts the demands of the restaurant above all else, with a string of failed relationships, no hobbies, and no days off as proof of his commitment to the place. He can’t remember the last time he sat on the beach, or even enjoyed a moment to himself.

Meanwhile, the DelDine group has been gradually snapping up beloved eateries along this stretch of coast and are pursuing Jack with a very generous offer to take Schmidt’s off his hands.

Jack craves companionship and maybe even a family. He wonders if closing the door on the restaurant might open a new window for him. But who would he be without Schmidt’s, and can he trust DelDine’s claims that they will continue to employ his staff and honor his family’s legacy?

When he receives startling news from the past, Jack begins to reshape his life and forge unexpected new friendships. But will he really let go of the very things that have defined him?

under your spell

Under Your Spell

The daughter of an aging rock star finds herself working for the hottest musician on the planet and is shocked when sparks start to fly—especially since she swore she’d never, ever date a celebrity—in this unputdownable romance that is perfect for fans of Christina Lauren and Emily Henry.

She wants three things. He isn’t one of them...

Dumped by her cheating ex, fired from her dream job, and about to lose her flat: Clementine Monroe is not having a good day. So when her sisters get her drunk and suggest reviving a childhood ritual called the Breakup Spell, she doesn’t see the harm in it.

But now Clemmie has accidentally ruined a funeral, had her first one-night stand, and she’s stuck with a new job she definitely doesn’t want—spending six weeks alone with the gorgeous and very-off-limits rock star, Theo Eliott.

He’s the most famous man on the planet. Her life’s a disaster. As their summer together turns into its own kind of magic, is Clemmie cursed to repeat the mistakes of her past—or will her future see all her wishes come true?

for the love of austen - book 2 - elizabeth of east hampton

For The Love Of Austen - Book 2 - Elizabeth Of East Hampton

This fresh and whip-smart modern retelling of Jane Austen’s classic Pride and Prejudice—from the authors of the “great beach read” (Bookreporter) Emma of 83rd Street—transports you to summer in the Hamptons, where classes clash, rumors run wild, and love has a frustrating habit of popping up where you least expect it.

It’s a truth universally acknowledged—well, by Elizabeth Bennet anyway—that there’s nothing worse than summer in the Hamptons. She should know: she’s lived out there her whole life. Every June, her hometown on the edge of Long Island is inundated with rich Manhattanites who party until dawn and then disappear by September. And after twenty-five years, Lizzy wants to leave, too.

But after putting her own dreams on hold to help save her family’s failing bakery, she’s still surfing the same beach every morning and waiting for something, anything, to change. She’s not holding her breath though, not even when her sister starts flirting with the hot new bachelor in town, Charlie Pierce, and he introduces Lizzy to his even hotter friend.

Will Darcy is everything Lizzy Bennet is not. Aloof, arrogant…and rich. Of course, he’s never cared about money. In fact, it’s number one on his long list of things that irk him. Number two? His friend Charlie’s insistence on setting him up with his new girlfriend’s sharp-tongued sister. Lizzy Bennet is all wrong for him, from her money-hungry family to her uncanny ability to speak to him as bluntly as he does everyone else. But then maybe that’s why he can’t stop thinking about her.

Lizzy is sure Will hates everybody. He thinks she willfully misunderstands them. Yet, just as they strike an uneasy truce, mistakes threaten Charlie and Jane’s romance, with Will and Lizzy caught in the undertow. Between a hurricane and a hypocritical aunt, a drunken voicemail and a deceptive party promoter, the two must sift through the gossip and lies to protect the happiness of everyone they love—even if it means sacrificing their own. But when the truth also forces them to see each other in an entirely new light, they must swallow their pride to learn that love is a lot like surfing: sometimes the only way to survive is to let yourself fall.

vilest things

Vilest Things

Power plays, spilled blood, and romance abound in this thrilling sequel to the New York Times and USA TODAY bestseller Immortal Longings, inspired by Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra.

Calla Tuoleimi has succeeded in the impossible. Despite the odds, she has won San-Er's bloody games and eliminated King Kasa, her tyrant uncle and the former ruler of Talin. She serves now as royal advisor to Kasa's adopted son, August Shenzhi, who has risen to the throne.

Only Calla knows it isn't really August.

Anton Makusa is still furious about Calla's betrayal in the final round of the games. In an impossible feat, he took over August's body to survive, and has no intention of giving up this newfound power. But when his first love, the beautiful, explosive Otta Avia, awakens from a years-long coma and reveals a secret that threatens the monarchy's authority over Talin, chaos erupts. As tensions come to a boiling point, Calla and Anton must set their conflicts aside and head to the kingdom's far reaches to prevent anarchyeven if their empire might be better off burning.

all in the family - the trumps and how we got this way

All In The Family - The Trumps And How We Got This Way


With revealing, never-before-told stories, Fred C. Trump III, nephew of President Donald Trump, breaks his decades-long silence in this honest memoir and sheds a whole new light on the family name.

For the record…Fred Trump never asked for any of this. The divisive politics. The endless headlines. A hijacked last name. The heat-seeking uncle, rising from real estate scion to gossip column fixture to The Apprentice host to President of the United States. Fred just wanted a happy life and a satisfying career. But a fight for his son’s health and safety forced him onto a center stage that he had never wanted. And now, at a crucial point for our nation, he is stepping forward again.

In All in the Family, Fred delves into his journey to become a “different kind of Trump,” detailing his passionate battle to protect his wife and children from forces inside and outside the family. From the Trump house to the White House, Fred comes to terms with his own complex legacy and faces some demons head-on. It’s a story of power, love, money, cruelty, and the unshakable bonds of family, played out underneath a glaring media spotlight.

All in the Family is the inside story, as it’s never been told before.

sakamoto days 5 (english edition)

Sakamoto Days 5

Kill some time with former hit man Taro Sakamoto!

Taro Sakamoto was once a legendary hit man considered the greatest of all time. Bad guys feared him! Assassins revered him! But then one day he quit, got married, and had a baby. He’s now living the quiet life as the owner of a neighborhood store, but how long can Sakamoto enjoy his days of retirement before his past catches up to him?!

The situation is fraught during the casino battle between Sakamoto’s staff and the Chinese triad. Can they protect Lu and get info on the bounty?! To make matters worse, the very worst assassins from overseas are gunning for Sakamoto!

sakamoto days 2 (english edition)

Sakamoto Days 2

Kill some time with former hit man Taro Sakamoto!

Taro Sakamoto was once a legendary hit man considered the greatest of all time. Bad guys feared him! Assassins revered him! But then one day he quit, got married, and had a baby. He’s now living the quiet life as the owner of a neighborhood store, but how long can Sakamoto enjoy his days of retirement before his past catches up to him?!

Shin faces off with a strange assassin who’s targeting Mr. Sakamoto, but how will he manage against a foe whose thoughts are unreadable? Then, the Sakamoto gang does their best to enjoy a peaceful family outing at the amusement park, only to be rudely interrupted by a pair of menacing assassins. Can Mr. Sakamoto and his buddies take care of them without his family noticing?

sakamoto days 9 (english edition)

Sakamoto Days 9

Kill some time with former hit man Taro Sakamoto!

Taro Sakamoto was once a legendary hit man considered the greatest of all time. Bad guys feared him! Assassins revered him! But then one day he quit, got married, and had a baby. He’s now living the quiet life as the owner of a neighborhood store, but how long can Sakamoto enjoy his days of retirement before his past catches up to him?!

Sakamoto comes running to Shin’s aid and clashes violently with Shinaya, who’s being controlled by Gaku! Our heroes are striving to get information on X, who continues to operate in the shadows, but nothing has gone as planned during the JCC transfer test. How will it all end?!

sakamoto days 6 (english edition)

Sakamoto Days 6

Kill some time with former hit man Taro Sakamoto!

Taro Sakamoto was once a legendary hit man considered the greatest of all time. Bad guys feared him! Assassins revered him! But then one day he quit, got married, and had a baby. He’s now living the quiet life as the owner of a neighborhood store, but how long can Sakamoto enjoy his days of retirement before his past catches up to him?!

Dangerous serial killers clash with the Order and Sakamoto’s crew clash! As the battles rage on, Sakamoto undergoes an unexpected transformation. Meanwhile, the evil mastermind X reveals his true intent, which sends shock waves through the assassin world!

haunting of the sun モンスターハンターライズ:サンブレイク 公式設定資料集

Haunting Of The Sun モンスターハンターライズ:サンブレイク 公式設定資料集




変な絵 - henna e 1

変な絵 - Henna E 1




ピノキオピー visual collection 2024-2009 pinocchio



僕の心のヤバイやつ11 - boku no kokoro no yabai yatsu

僕の心のヤバイやつ11 - Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu















ちひろの子どもたち - chihiro no kodomotachi happi taimu - chihiroℹs children happy time

ちひろの子どもたち - Chihiro No Kodomotachi Happi Taimu - CHIHIRO’S CHILDREN Happy Time






第一章 ママとわたし/第二章 みんないっしょ/第三章 わたしのじかん






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icon shopee